What Difficulties will Graphic Designers face after 2013?


Knock, Knock! It is already August! almost of this year has gone by, guys, and you have got to be serious this time!
There is a saying “All that glitters is not gold”. Perhaps this could be best understood by all who have come a long way to become graphic designers. But even these designers could have problems in the long run.
Seriously, graphic designing is not easy. It involves lots of brain work, creativity and professionalism. It is a fact that designers have the comfort and benefit of working even from homes but at the same time, the work sometimes takes more time from a regular 9-6 job!
So do you not want to know what puddle you could get your feet into in the next year.

• Trendy Industry

Graphic designing industry is very fast. This means that it keeps on changing and evolving compared to other professions. There will be no time for designers to bug in work apart from designing. Instead they will have to keep themselves familiar with new software along with new trends of the industry. They will have to keep on increasing their work knowledge and creativity because without it, they would find it difficult to stay alive in the industry. The work will only sell if it is unique and creative.

• Low Cost, High Expectation

When expectations are not met, they hurt. This is the case with people who are into graphic design. Not only do they have to make designs up to their expectations but the clients as well. When giving work, clients develop a trust in them and feel that the work would be even better than what they require. And what if it does not match their level? This is a serious issue. Moreover, convincing clients is yet another problem. They might never realize the beauty of designs because of different perspectives. So keeping a note of this issue will be important.

• Overruling Habit

A patient never tells a dentist how to fix a denture. But in case of graphic practitioners, everyone pokes their nose in the work. They suggest ways; they give opinions on what is right and wrong and what looks good and what bad. The fact is that clients always want things their way whether it is the color; getting it from green to blue or the design. They tell things according to their own perception and mind.

• Different Clients –Different Ideas

Designing and creativity works together. New concepts should always be coming and reflecting designers’ work because only this will keep viewers focused on the work. Only a new concept would draw people’s attention. Designs should be unique and up to the mark. They should focus the brand and reflect what a company offers to people.

• Difficult to explain Technicalities

Designers need to be communicative. If they cannot explain their work to clients then they might never be able to convince them to buy work. Or they might never be able to invite clients for more projects. The design ideas and work have to be shown and told to different people so that they could understand the way one has brought creativity to work. Designers have to act like a sales person!

• Online Free Software – A Problem

With the availability of Internet everyone has the access to graphic designing software. All the non-designers without having experience and knowledge about work are able to produce things which are not worth anything. Clients irrespective of this consider it because the cost is a mere. Clients should differentiate between designers and non-designers. On the other hand, non-designers should know that just having a software does not make anyone a designer.

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